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Agreements concluded with Paris Club

Your query gave 361 results

Displaying 1 - 30 of 361
Date of treatment Type of the treatment Status of the treatment Countries
March 13, 2024 HIPC Initiative Exit Active SOMALIA
July 15, 2021 Cologne Active SUDAN
January 11, 2021 Ad Hoc Active KENYA
October 07, 2020 Ad Hoc Active YEMEN
September 14, 2020 Ad Hoc Active MALDIVES
September 03, 2020 Ad Hoc Active TAJIKISTAN
August 31, 2020 Ad Hoc Active ANGOLA
June 11, 2020 Ad Hoc Active COTE D'IVOIRE
June 09, 2020 Ad Hoc Active PAKISTAN
May 18, 2020 Ad Hoc Active GRENADA
March 31, 2020 Cologne Active SOMALIA
November 19, 2015 Classic Active GRENADA
May 29, 2014 Ad Hoc Active ARGENTINA
October 25, 2012 HIPC Initiative Exit Active GUINEA
June 29, 2012 HIPC Initiative Exit Active COTE D'IVOIRE
May 24, 2012 Classic Active SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
April 11, 2012 Cologne Active GUINEA
November 15, 2011 Cologne Active COTE D'IVOIRE
December 16, 2010 HIPC Initiative Exit Active TOGO
November 17, 2010 HIPC Initiative Exit Active DEMOCRATIC REP. OF CONGO
September 16, 2010 HIPC Initiative Exit Active LIBERIA
September 16, 2010 Classic Active ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
March 18, 2010 HIPC Initiative Exit Active CONGO
March 17, 2010 HIPC Initiative Exit Active AFGHANISTAN
February 25, 2010 Cologne Active DEMOCRATIC REP. OF CONGO
September 15, 2009 HIPC Initiative Exit Active CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
July 08, 2009 HIPC Initiative Exit Active HAITI
May 15, 2009 Cologne Active COTE D'IVOIRE
January 22, 2009 Cologne Active TOGO


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