i Club de Paris

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Debt treatment -
September 12, 2000

Supporting agreements with the international institutions

Total external debt of the country

$276 million of which being due to Paris Club as of September 01, 2000

Amounts treated

$147 million of which $147 million being canceled

Accorded treatment

Reduction of the stock of debt

Categories of debt treated

Treatment of arrears as of September 01, 2000

Treatment of the stock as of September 01, 2000


Repayment profile

Treatment under HIPC Initiative Exit terms

Comparability of treatment provision


Cut-off date

July 01, 1981

Organisation of the session

The meeting was chaired by Mrs Stéphane PALLEZ, Co Chairperson of the Paris Club.

The head of the debtor country's delegation was Mr. Gerald SSENDAUKA, Minister of Finance, Planning and Economioc Development.


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