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Who are the members of the Paris Club?

The Paris Club is a group of currently 22 permanent members.

Becoming a Paris Club member underlines a country’s commitment to being an active member of the international financial community, willing to work in close collaboration with the IMF and the World Bank. As the principal forum for official debt treatments, the Paris Club is open to and welcomes new members from emerging creditors willing to adhere to the Paris Club principles. In 2016, the Paris Club was pleased to welcome two major emerging creditors, Korea and Brazil, as full members of the Club, after they had participated on an ad hoc basis for several years. Countries that are interested in joining the Paris Club can do so progressively via different membership statuses.

Other creditor countries can participate in negotiation meetings on a case by case basis, provided that certain conditions are met.

Finally, representatives of international financial institutions or countries can be invited to attend the meetings as observers.


6 principles


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