i Club de Paris

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Debt treatment -
June 22, 1989

Amounts treated

$193 million

Categories of debt treated

Treatment of maturities falling due from June 01, 1989 up to June 30, 1990

Repayment profile

Treatment under Toronto terms (cancellation rate of 33%)

  • repayment of non ODA credits over 14 years, with 8 years of grace, after cancellation to a rate of 33%
  • repayment of ODA credits over 25 years with 14 years of grace

Specific provisions

Good will clause

De minimis threshold of 500 000 SDR

Comparability of treatment provision


Cut-off date

March 31, 1989

Organisation of the session

The meeting was chaired by M. Denis Samuel-Lajeunesse, Co Chairman of the Paris Club.

The head of the debtor country's delegation was M. Didier Dassi, Minister of Finance.

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