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List of the debt treatments: 

Date of the treatment Countries Type of the treatment Status of the treatment Signed by
December 15, 2000 GABON Classic Fully repaid
December 13, 2000 NIGERIA Houston Fully repaid
November 15, 2000 KENYA Ad Hoc Active
October 25, 2000 MALI Cologne Active
October 24, 2000 SENEGAL Cologne Fully repaid
October 24, 2000 BURKINA FASO Cologne Fully repaid
October 24, 2000 BENIN Cologne Active
September 15, 2000 ECUADOR Houston Active
September 12, 2000 UGANDA HIPC Initiative Exit Fully repaid
September 11, 2000 MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC Ad Hoc Fully repaid
September 04, 2000 MADAGASCAR Naples Active
July 12, 2000 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOWINA Naples Active
May 25, 2000 DJIBOUTI Classic Fully repaid
May 16, 2000 SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE Naples Fully repaid
April 14, 2000 TANZANIA Cologne Active
April 13, 2000 INDONESIA Houston Active
March 16, 2000 MAURITANIA Cologne Active
January 18, 2000 ALBANIA Classic Fully repaid
August 01, 1999 RUSSIAN FEDERATION Ad Hoc Active
July 09, 1999 MOZAMBIQUE Lyon Fully repaid


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