i Glossary | Club de Paris

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A (4) | C (6) | D (10) | E (2) | F (1) | L (1) | M (1) | N (2) | O (3) | P (4) | R (3) | S (2) | T (2)


Representatives of international financial institutions or of members of the Paris Club that have no claims concerned by the debt treatment (de minimis creditors, creditors with only short term or post-cut-off date claims, that are not treated) that attend a negotiation session. They do not sign the Agreed Minutes but are referred to in it.

ODA credits, non ODA credits

"Official development assistance" ("ODA") credits are defined by the OECD as credits with a low interest rate and aimed at development.

Official creditor

This term refers to
a) official bilateral creditors (governments or their appropriate institutions), including Paris Club members
b) multilateral creditors (international institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank or regional development banks).

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