i Club de Paris

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Paris Forum regional conference in St Kitts and Nevis

Second regional Paris Forum conference in St Kitts & Nevis

April 12, 2018


The Paris Forum and Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Partner to host the Second Paris Forum Regional Conference


The Paris Forum and the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) collaborated to host the second regional Paris Forum conference which focused on ways to strengthen financial resilience and improve debt management in Caribbean countries vulnerable to external shocks.

The Conference brought together Financial and Permanent Secretaries and other members of the Ministries of Finance of Caribbean countries, ECCB senior officials, Paris Club members and financial institutions including the Caribbean Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank at the ECCB Headquarters in St Kitts and Nevis on 12 April to share perspectives and experiences on the theme: Financial Resilience and Debt Management.

During the one-day conference, the participants were exposed to presentations and engaged in discussion on the topics: (i) Enhancing Resilience to External Volatility Including Through Financial Innovation; and (ii) Building Domestic Capacities to Manage Public Debt. They reviewed available tools to mitigate the impact of external shocks on public finances for example, fiscal buffers, long term local currency bonds, disaster risk insurance and State contingent debt instruments. The participants also shared views on ways to strengthen public financial management.

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