i Club de Paris

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New Paris Club website

June 24, 2009

In a continuous willingness to enhance the information and transparency on Paris Club work and functioning, in addition to the annual report on the activity of the Paris Club published today, Paris Club creditors have decided to upgrade and enrich the Paris Club website that was created in 2001.

The new website now on line provides more information, in particular on strategic debt issues discussed in the framework of the Paris Club and is intended to be more user friendly, so that regular or occasional users can have a quicker and easier access to essential information.

The design of the website has also been modernised, including a new Paris Club logo.

The Paris Club website is organised around three main topics: communication of the Paris Club, agreements signed within the Paris Club and international debates on debt issues.

In addition to these three main topics, the website also contains background information, in particular on the composition and the functioning of the Paris Club, on the kind of debt treated in the Paris Club framework and on the kind of treatment granted by the Paris Club.


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