i SPAIN | Club de Paris

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List of the debt treatments: 

Date of the treatment Countries Type of the treatment Status of the treatment Signed by
December 16, 2010 TOGO HIPC Initiative Exit Active
November 17, 2010 DEMOCRATIC REP. OF CONGO HIPC Initiative Exit Active
July 06, 2010 GUINEA-BISSAU Cologne Active
March 18, 2010 CONGO HIPC Initiative Exit Active
February 25, 2010 DEMOCRATIC REP. OF CONGO Cologne Active
July 08, 2009 HAITI HIPC Initiative Exit Active
May 15, 2009 COTE D'IVOIRE Cologne Active
April 16, 2009 SEYCHELLES Ad Hoc Active
January 22, 2009 TOGO Cologne Active
December 11, 2008 CONGO Cologne Active
October 16, 2008 DJIBOUTI Houston Active
June 12, 2008 TOGO Naples Active
January 23, 2008 GUINEA Cologne Active
May 24, 2007 SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE HIPC Initiative Exit Fully repaid
December 12, 2006 HAITI Cologne Active
October 19, 2006 MALAWI HIPC Initiative Exit Active
June 17, 2006 CAMEROON HIPC Initiative Exit Active
March 09, 2006 CONGO Cologne Active
October 21, 2005 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Classic Fully repaid
October 20, 2005 NIGERIA Ad Hoc Fully repaid


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