i NORWAY | Club de Paris

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List of the debt treatments: 

Date of the treatment Countries Type of the treatment Status of the treatment Signed by
July 22, 2004 GHANA HIPC Initiative Exit Active
June 09, 2004 SENEGAL HIPC Initiative Exit Active
November 22, 2003 DEMOCRATIC REP. OF CONGO Cologne Active
June 13, 2003 ECUADOR Houston Active
April 23, 2003 BENIN HIPC Initiative Exit Active
January 09, 2003 GAMBIA Cologne Fully repaid
September 13, 2002 DEMOCRATIC REP. OF CONGO Naples Active
July 10, 2002 SIERRA LEONE Cologne Fully repaid
May 16, 2002 GHANA Cologne Fully repaid
April 12, 2002 INDONESIA Houston Active
April 10, 2002 COTE D'IVOIRE Lyon Active
January 17, 2002 TANZANIA HIPC Initiative Exit Active
December 13, 2001 PAKISTAN Ad Hoc Active
December 10, 2001 GHANA Naples Fully repaid
November 16, 2001 MONTENEGRO Ad Hoc Active
November 16, 2001 SERBIA Ad Hoc Active
October 16, 2001 SIERRA LEONE Naples Fully repaid
May 15, 2001 GUINEA Cologne Active
January 23, 2001 PAKISTAN Houston Fully repaid
October 24, 2000 BENIN Cologne Active


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