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List of the debt treatments: 

Date of the treatment Countries Type of the treatment Status of the treatment Signed by
January 26, 1993 MAURITANIA London Active
January 25, 1993 JAMAICA Houston Fully repaid
December 16, 1992 ETHIOPIA London Active
December 14, 1992 BULGARIA Classic Fully repaid
November 20, 1992 SIERRA LEONE London Fully repaid
November 18, 1992 GUINEA London Active
October 29, 1992 MALI London Active
October 26, 1992 HONDURAS London Active
July 23, 1992 ZAMBIA London Fully repaid
July 22, 1992 ARGENTINA Classic Fully repaid
June 19, 1992 TOGO London Active
June 17, 1992 UGANDA London Fully repaid
February 28, 1992 JORDAN Classic Fully repaid
February 27, 1992 MOROCCO Houston Fully repaid
February 26, 1992 BRAZIL Classic Fully repaid
January 24, 1992 BOLIVIA London Fully repaid
January 23, 1992 CAMEROON Houston Fully repaid
January 21, 1992 TANZANIA London Active
January 20, 1992 ECUADOR Houston Fully repaid
December 18, 1991 BENIN London Fully repaid


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