i Club de Paris

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Debt treatment -
September 15, 2005

Supporting agreements with the international institutions

Programme with the IMF supported by an Arrangement under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) approved on January 23, 2004
Download the IMF report : PRGF Document

Download the IMF report : Decision Point Document under the Enhanced Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries

Accorded treatment

Decision point reached on July 29, 2005

Categories of debt treated

Treatment of maturities falling due from July 29, 2005 up to June 30, 2009

Repayment profile

Treatment under Cologne terms


Comparability of treatment provision


Cut-off date

June 20, 1999

Organisation of the session

Amendment signed by Mr. Ambroise Fayolle, Co President of the Paris Club

Participating creditors
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