i Club de Paris

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Debt treatment -
April 23, 2003

Supporting agreements with the international institutions

Program with the IMF supported by an Arrangement under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) approved on July 17, 2000
Download the IMF report : letter of intent

Download the IMF report : Completion Point Document for the Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative

Total external debt of the country

$1 368 million as of December 31, 2001

$201 million of which being due to Paris Club as of March 01, 2003

Amounts treated

$60 million of which $60 million being canceled

Accorded treatment

Completion point reached on March 24, 2003

Reduction of the stock of debt

Categories of debt treated

Treatment of arrears as of February 28, 2003

Treatment of the stock as of March 01, 2003

Repayment profile

Treatment under HIPC Initiative Exit terms


Comparability of treatment provision

The Republic of Benin commits not to accord any category of creditors -and in particular creditor countries not participating in the present Agreed Minute, commercial banks and suppliers- a treatment more favourable than that accorded to the Participating Creditor Countries.

Cut-off date

March 31, 1989

Organisation of the session

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Ambroise Fayolle, Vice-President of Paris Club.

The head of the debtor country's delegation was Mr. Grégoire Laourou, Minister of Economy and Finance.


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