i Club de Paris

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The Paris Club releases comprehensive data on its claims as of 31 December 2016

June 21, 2017


Since 2008, the Paris Club has published on an annual basis the amount of its claims on foreign countries.

These claims are held either by the Paris Club member states directly, or through their appropriate institutions (especially export credit or official development aid agencies) on behalf of the member states.

The table contains comprehensive data that cover the full range of claims held on sovereign countries and public entities by Paris Club members, who took part in this global data call. It therefore encompasses very different categories of debtors, roughly half of which have always fully serviced their debt owed to Paris Club full and ad hoc members. Ninety of the debtor countries listed in the table have negotiated an agreement with the Paris Club at some time in the past. Most of the countries listed below are very unlikely to apply for debt relief in the future given their current macroeconomic prospects.

The table published on the Paris Club website shows the total amount of claims as of
31 December 2016 held by Paris Club members on each debtor country, with a split between Official Development Assistance (ODA) claims and non-Official Development Assistance (NODA) claims. The stock of claims is aggregated at each debtor country level.

The total of Paris Club claims, excluding late interest, amounts to USD 301 billion of which USD 151 billion represents ODA claims and USD 150 billion represents NODA claims.

Some amounts on which Paris Club creditors decided to provide debt relief may still appear in this table for technical reasons, especially delays in the signing of bilateral agreements implementing Paris Club agreements.


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