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International Conference on the World Crisis and its implication for Emerging & Developing Countries


On Thursday 25 June 2009, the Paris Club and the Institute of International Finance (IIF), held under the presidency of Ms Christine Lagarde, French Minister of Economy, Industry and Employment, a high level international conference on the world crisis and its implications for emerging and developing countries.

Following an analysis of the evolution of the crisis and how it affects emerging and developing countries, the conference provided an opportunity for participants to contribute to the ongoing debate on financing challenges for the affected countries.

The forum gathered more than 250 participants:

  • representatives of Paris Club's member countries
  • representatives of non-Paris Club bilateral creditors 
  • representatives of the private sector
  • senior executives of international financial institutions 
  • representatives of civil society
  • representatives of the academic sphere
  • journalists


John Lipsky, First Managing Director, International Monetary Fund and Christine Lagarde, Minister of Economy, Industry and Employment


Ramon Fernandez, Chairman of the Paris Club


Roundtable 1 chaired by Daniel Cohen, Professor of Economics, Paris School of Economics / Ecole Normale Supérieure


Christian Noyer, Governor, Banque de France


Roundtable 2 chaired by Benoît Coeuré, Co Chairman of the Paris Club


Benoît Coeuré, Co Chairman of the Paris Club


Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Finance and Acting Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Indonesia


Isabel Guerrero, Regional Vice President, South Asia Region, World Bank


Bill Brummitt, General Manager, International Economy Division, Treasury, Australia


Rintaro Tamaki, Director General of the International Bureau, Ministry of Finance, Japan


Andras Simor, Governor, Central Bank of Hungary


Erik Berglof, Chief Economist and Special Adviser to the President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)


Roundtable 3 chaired by Patrick Guillaumont, Professor, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI)


Donal Kaberuka, President, African Development Bank


Ottavio Canuto, Vice President, Poverty Reduction Management Network, World Bank





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